OGC Newsletter for PhD students and postdocs

Nr. 7, June 2009
> Starting point (EN)
New PhD students and postdocs introduce themselves.

This time: Judith Verweijen, Vincent Rafis, Rens Willems

> OGC update (NL + EN)
The latest news on guidelines and regulations, facilities, PhD courses, changes in policy etc.

> Wat heb jij vandaag gedaan? / What did you do today? (NL + EN)
Medewerkers van het OGC over hun werk en wat ze daarnáást doen.

This time: Pieta van Wees (secretary of the OGC and the Department of History and Art History) and Matjaž Matošec (PhD student in Musicology)

> De promotiecoach geeft advies! (NL)
Column van promovendicoördinator Simone Veld over veelvoorkomende promotieproblemen.

In deze aflevering: Wanneer val ik door de mand?

> Bookmark (NL)
Bespreking van boeken en/of websites die interessant zijn voor promovendi en postdocs.

In deze aflevering: literatuur over het zogenoemde bedriegerssyndroom, dat centraal staat in de column van Simone Veld in deze nieuwsbrief.

> The new life of... (EN)
Former PhD students about their life after the thesis defense ceremony.

This time: Christiaan van Bochove

> Wanted/offered (NL / EN)
Some PhD students have expertise that might also profit others. Others have problems or questions related to their PhD work with which a fellow PhD student might be able to help them. Exchange your questions and advices through this newsletter! Let your colleagues know what you are looking for or what you can offer, by sending an e-mail to PhD coordinator José van Aelst. Your call will be published in the next newsletter.

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